How to Apply

The scheme units are being offered for subscription directly from the Mutual Fund through Investment Service Centres(ISCs), registered office of the AMC and of Mutual Fund

Application Forms along with copies of the SAI and respective Placement Memoranda (PM) are available at any of the Investor Service Centres, in addition to the Registered Office of the Mutual Fund. Application Forms are also available on the website of the Mutual Fund

Investors can purchase units of the schemes by completing an application form and delivering it at any of the Investor Service Centres or such other place as may be specified. Further, as per the SEBI guidelines, in respect of New Fund offers (NFO) or Private Placement, investors will also have an option to make an application / payment under the Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) facility. This facility is available to all investors eligible to invest in the schemes of the Mutual Fund. The applications under ASBA facility will be subject to the directives issued by SEBI from time to time
Any changes/alterations in the Application Form must be countersigned by the investor(s). The Mutual Fund/AMC will not be bound to take cognizance of any changes/alterations if the same are not so countersigned The investors should ensure that the amount invested in the Scheme is through legitimate sources only and does not involve and are not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of any Act, Rules, Regulations, Notifications or Directions of the provisions of Income Tax Act, Anti Money Laundering Act, Anti-Corruption Act and or any other applicable laws enacted by the Government of India from time to time
KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.